Monday, January 23, 2012

Today We March!

Today I journey to D.C. to March for Life for the 14th time. I march because I believe that EVERY life... has dignity, EVERY life has value, and EVERY person has a beauty that nothing can ever compare to. I march to end Abortion, for the same reasons I fight to end the death penalty, to end discrimination for ANY reason. I march for life for the same reason I work to end poverty because EVERY LIFE HAS VALUE! To all those who fight for justice, and who fought for the voiceless, you are my inspiration. To all those out there who have chosen Life when it is not easy, when the world seems against you, know that you are my heroes. Know that on this day when I march, I march for you. I march to thank you for your courageous witness to this world. I march each year also to say thank you to two women I have never met, to say thank you for two of the greatest gifts in my life, I march to say thank you to the birth mothers of my two adopted sisters. Sonya and Lisa I cannot imagine life without you. Know on this day I march for you, and I will continue marching to the day I die!

To those who feel trapped and who need support in order to choose life, know that I am only one phone call, one email, one facebook message away and I will help and support you, no matter what. To the two young women who have contacted me over the years, know you too are my heroes.

To those who are not with us on this issue know I love and respect you all and pray that one day you come to understand that this issue is not about telling anyone what to do, but rather the simple principle that all life matters, all life has dignity. Yes on this day many who march will not understand that when we say all life has dignity, we truly mean all people. I pray for these people too and hope that one day this world will come to understand that Every person matters, every person has dignity, and every person deserves life.

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Please note this blog will begin being regularly updated after August 21st (when I arrive in Baltimore).