I have just arrived back in my room at the seminary and wanted to say that I had the best birthday this past week, thanks in part to all of you!
Thursday afternoon we had an Alumni Day Mass and celebration at the seminary. Many of the priests, bishops, etc... who graduated from this place came back to celebrate their reunions, etc... At 1:56pm the rector (the head priest) declared our vacation officially in session. By 1:59pm I had sprinted up four flights of stairs, thrown off my suit jacket, grabbed my suitcase and was running through the lobby with my suitcase over my head. It was a little awkward running with my suitcase past bishops, priests and all the assembled guests making their way out through the formal lobby, but I was going home!!!!!!!!!!!!! After nearly knocking a few people over I was outside and quickly ushered to a getaway car which was taking me to the airport for a 3:30pm flight. Arriving at the airport I quickly made my way in, with a fellow NH seminarian, once we were through security all was well. Until we tried to board a plane to New Mexico by mistake. Thank goodness we were flagged off the flight in time as there were screaming,spoiled brats in line for the flight. It might have been a seminary formation issue if I tried to through the monster children off the flight, mid way to New Mexico. They were screaming at the top of their lungs, "I want a cookie.... give me.. give me..give me... and on and on..."
Luckily it was not my flight and I was soon on my way to NH. After dinner with some friends on Thursday night I stayed with a good friend and made my way to Trinity for the morning. Mr. Mailloux let me do morning prayer which was great. Although I was only at Trinity for a few minutes in the morning it was the greatest birthday present I could ask for to be back home again and to see all my most brilliant students and former colleagues! I only had a few minutes and sadly did not get to see everyone I was hoping to (please forgive me Ms. Moquin, Mrs. Hollingsworth + Mrs. Henning I thought I would have time when I came back at the end of the day but it did not happen!)
After catching up with my colleagues after school I was off to celebrate a birthday tradition with some friends from my days at Saint Anselm. I spent most of Saturday catching up with friends and made my way to my family home in Brookfield late that night.
Monday was back to Manchester, a quick dinner with some great friends (thanks guys!). All this food is setting me backwards on my diet! Next I was off to the airport and back to Baltimore. I was greeted by a pile of care packages and cards a mile high. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Special shout outs to Wolfman and Company, Moody, Serrechia and the awesome THS Birthday Song performed by students at the Homecoming Dance?, Team Walter, Thompson, Moquin, Velez,Thees, Derr, Adams,Dunn, Kelly and the boatload of texts). Thank you to everyone who sent their greetings and wishes, it made this birthday a special one! I miss you all and cannot tell you how much your cards, packages, emails and prayers mean to me.
-Mr. Nelson
p.s. Why are there people swarming outside my room saying "cookies, cookies, cookies?"
Thanks for the shout-out Mr. Nelson!
Mr. Nelson,
I am glad it was the Best Birthday Ever! I hope the cookies are not too stale (I did not know you were coming home or I would have just given them to you!). It was great to see you again!
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