I hope everyone is doing well! Here are the first real pictures from the Seminary. I cannot believe I have been here 5 weeks already! The good news is soon we will be 1/2 way to Christmas break, December 11th! The bad news is there are a lot of papers to be written between then and now.
I figured the first pictures should be of my room. Note how clean it is (everything is under the bed and in the closet, shhhhhhhh don't tell anyone). On my bed I have a pile of absentee ballot applications. I led a registration drive last week and registered about 30 guys to vote. Tomorrow I send them all off in the mail.
Note the first pictures of Bellringer 6 in the wild. He was very cooperative and even swam to the top so I could get a good picture. I think he was smiling.
Catch you all later!
(the crazy fun pictures as voted for on the blog are yet to come)
Nice pictures! Any roommates besides Bellringer 6 and your squirrel there?
Nice pictures! Any roommates besides Bellringer 6 and your squirrel there?
Classy bed cover! Do you have the Hymn "Bringing in the Sheep" to go with it?
I am pleased that Bellringer VI is going to the top. (But that is not always a good sign.) The smile could be a gasp!!
Is this the new haircut? It certainly makes you look 12 pounds slimmer.
Do you ever feel any guilt for all the homework you assigned your students?
Love the pictures! Not convinced it is your room as it is too clean...BUT the beadspread does go to the floor so maybe there are some hidden objects under the bed! We were thinking of sending more swedish fish for your birthday, but maybe should send fruit to help you stay on your diet! I will ask the boys for ideas.
sue foote
nice pictures of your room! How does the bunny rate to the bellringer ?? HA HA! later brother.
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