Friday, August 22, 2008

Bellringer VI

I have finally made it! I am a Seminarian at Saint Mary’s in Baltimore.
As I type this it is late Friday night and I am sitting in my sweet room (by sweet I mean cozy, by cozy I mean small), with Bellringer VI at my side. Now the keen observer might ask Bellringer VI, I thought it was Bellringer V, it was……
I left for Baltimore early Thursday morning from my Aunt and Uncle’s home in New Jersey. After a few days visiting relatives with my parents, I was off to my new adventure. I was told I should arrive between 9:00am – 2:00pm on Thursday. Being the cool guy I am, I knew that I could not arrive at the beginning or I would look to eager. So the way I figured it I would arrive around noon. My plan was brilliant as always until I decided to take a fateful break in Delaware. After a few minutes of stretching time and a walk around a few stores I got back in my car and headed back to the high way. After a couple minutes on the highway again I noticed what seemed to be a never ending traffic jam going the other direction, after continuing ten more miles of gridlock I thought to myself “that stinks, those suckers stuck there will never get home.” It was at that precise moment that my GPS system regained its signal and began to speak to me.
“Exit right,” it said.
That is funny why am I exiting right, I thought.
“Turn left, then turn left.”
Captain Intelligence here had gone the wrong way. All those cars I laughed at were now in front of me and I was at the end of a very long traffic jam.
My window of extra time had evaporated; I was starving and rummaging through my car for food (thank you God for sending me Swedish fish). As the clock was moving ever close to 2:00pm I had to make an important decision, whether or not to stop for lunch. You all know me well and so do the folks at Chick Filet, my new favorite restaurant!
Once I arrived I was welcomed by returning seminarians who registered me, brought me to the cafeteria for a bite to eat (two lunches, score!). By the time I was finished they had unloaded all of my things, brought them to my room and even parked my beautiful 2003 Toyota Camry (they were totally jealous of my car, I could tell, they did not say it but I knew what they were thinking. Let’s face it, wouldn’t you be – a 2003 Toyota Camry is greatest car ever made, or at least it has to be until my next car).
After a few hours of setting up my room I settled in for a wee nap, and then went off to the first official program. We began in the chapel were we officially welcome by the rector, Father William Hurst. He gave us a very powerful welcome in one of those rare moments in life where someone speaks from the heart, without notes and just connects with you, and everyone for that matter, in one of those “wow” moments.
Right after that it was off to a social in the lounge and a chance to meet all the other new guys.

I firmly believe one of the most awkward things in life can be meeting new people. I am not sure about you, but I hate walking into a room where I know no one and then having to be the biggest geek in the world and start a conversation with people I don’t know. I imagine many of you who just graduated know exactly what I am talking about and may be dreading the same very thing. I have eyes like hawk, ears like a bat and am fast like a cheetah, but I still hate awkward new beginnings.
Luckily so far everyone has been super nice and very friendly, which has made it much easier.
I hope to have pictures up soon so I can show you my sweet room and what this place looks like. Thanks for reading, keep checking in and keep me up to date on how things are going on your end.

- Mr. Nelson

Late Breaking Developments
1. Tonight at dinner we were told of the schedule ahead, which included a free trip to Hershey Park, which when announced received thunderous applause, for some strange reason I noticed the mention of the free tour of the Basilica did not.
2. Someone mentioned the words “silent retreat,” I am not going to lie, not so excited about that one.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Nelson. I don't think that arriving early means your too eager, you just want to get settled. I arrived early and there still was a crowd. Take care of Bellringer VI, and good luck meeting new friends (it's not that hard).

Anonymous said...

Mr. Nelson, you didn't explain what happened to Bellringer IV! lol I'm glad to hear your first day went well - minus the traffic jam.

Anonymous said...

oops i meant to ask what happened to Bellringer V not IV

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a rough life. With your GPS problems it is good that you did not land in Budd Lake.

I am pleased that you are off to a good start!


TV said...

I don't think i'd be signing up to chaperone for the silent retreat!!

Glad you made it...why i am not surprised you had a story to tell : ) and can't wait to see pics!!

TV said...

Can't say i'd be running to sign up for chaperoning the silent retreat! sorry about bellringer V.... glad you made it , although not surprised that it was in the nick of time..Can't wait to see pics!

Important Blog News:

Please note this blog will begin being regularly updated after August 21st (when I arrive in Baltimore).