Today at the Seminary we are observing our annual Eucharistic Day. Each year we designate a special day in which all of the guys in the house sign up to do Holy Hours for the deacons who are about to be ordained priests. It is most exciting to pray especially for Alan Tremblay and Charlie Pawlowski, two Manchester deacons who will be ordained the first weekend in June. It is amazing to think how quickly time has gone by. It is also a grace and privilege to pray for all of these men as they prepare to begin a new step in their life's journey.
(my apologies for the varying picture size, I went with the best google images could give me)

Alan Tremblay, Diocese of Manchester!!!!!!!!!!

Charlie Pawlowski, Diocese of Manchester!!!!!!!!!!
Rob Cro, Diocese of Trenton
Matt Pfleger, Diocese of Trenton
Neiser Cardenas, Diocese of Trenton

Chris Hess, Diocese of Richmond

Isaac Makovo, Archdiocese of Baltimore

Dan Quinn, Diocese of Albany

Jhon Madrid, Diocese of Paterson

Stephen Cotter, Archdiocese of Baltimore

Steven Roth, Archdiocese of Baltimore